3d Architectural Visualization

3D Visualization Services for Business

Visualization is a process for creating images and animation through computer graphics to convey the desired message. And the visualization through appealing image is an effective way to broadcast the message. This technique has been following from the ancient times where cave paintings were used for visualization as that was the best method to communicate with the images. As of now, Computer graphics has become more convenient to design an image.

3d visualization for Business

3D Visualization has proved its robust presence in the diversified industrial sectors.

Architectural industries, automobiles industry, manufacture and medical industries are using this technique to manipulate their manmade product into the 3D design and animation. This helps them to demonstrate their product with an ease. 3d Visualization is a technique to develop three-dimensional representations that is 3d design of an object. It eliminates the need to create the actual product for presentation. Through high quality and appealing animated product, you can easily convey your message and can effectively showcase your product.

3d Visualization requires great skills to develop the 3D design and animation. 3D innovative offers you the best 3D visualization service. We have a team of designers and artist whose designs are unique and effective. We are expert in developing 3D interior/exterior designs, 3D walkthrough, 3D cut models, 3D animation, 3D product modeling, 3D animation character etc. We also develop high as well as low poly model as per or clients need.

Computer graphics for design

3D innovative is a place where all your imagination is converted into 3d models and animation.

We are the best 3D Character Company in Delhi, India. Our strength is to develop the excellent quality of 3D game models, 3D organic/inorganic modeling, 3D interior/exterior design, 3d Sculptures, 3D automobiles, 3D architectural, 3D cut-models, 3D landscape, 3d stall design, 3d medical and other machinery models etc.

New York based Vrender a leading animation, virtual reality and visualization solution company. Our main objective is to render the best 3d model and animations to the various diversified industries. It is a well versed studio and our major strength is to develop 3D interior/exterior design, 3D Landscaping, 3D walkthrough animation, 3D animation, 3D character modeling, 3D product modeling, 3D cut-models, 3D stall designs, 3d automobiles modeling etc.

We have delivered its work to the gaming company and other fields of industries. We have in-house dedicated professional designers and animators who have been working from years to develop all the 3D models and animations and can also design low poly models so that game will attain compatibility for all the devices. We are experts in developing organic/inorganic models for our clients at the affordable price. We believe in innovation with perfection which you can see in our work. We have developed around 10+ games modeling and animation projects and strive to render the best and creative work.

Vrender Company 2017.

Vray for Unreal Engine 4?

CGarchitect.com. shared couple of slides from the latest EUE 2017 event in the Netherlands

Main features

Vray for UE 4

V-Ray for Unreal Engine – implementation

Still in early development

Existing features

  • Build on top of the V-Ray App SDK
  • Allows import of . vrscene files into the Unreal Editor
  • Allows rendering of the scene n the Unreal Editior
  • Allows export of .vrscene files

Potential future features

  • Custom shader for the VrayMtl material
  • Custom baking engine to bypass lightmass

V-Ray for Unreal-use cases

Bring V-Ray content from other DCC into a real-time engine editor

  • Using .vrscene files (from 3ds Max, Maya, Modo, Rhino, SketchUp)
  • Preserving V-Ray features like material and Lights as well as possible
  • Using other importers is, of course, also possible

Render directly into the real-time editor

  • For reference to compare to the real-time scene
  • Generally, for more realistic renders of the real-time scene

Export Content from real-time editor for use in another DCC

  • Using .vrscene files to export
  • Using VrayScene nodes in f.e 3dsMax, Maya and Modo to read the scene

GI and Baking

Chaos Group Vray Unreal Engine

architectural visualizations UE4A lot of our customers are looking to complement their offline rendering with real-time solutions

  • For presentation purposes
  • For VR experiences
  • Or, generally, just looking to use the real-time editor as DCC

And V-Ray for Unreal Engine Check Original Video from FXguide VRay in UE4 at the Epic Games User Group – SIGGRAPH 2017

Vrender Company 2017


The Importance of 3D Visualization

What is 3D Visualization?

A textbook definition for the concept of 3D Visualization states- it refers to different set of technologies which enables videos and pictures to appear very lively either in a printed format, on the desktop, on a television screen or in a movie theatre. Stereoscopic Imaging and 3D sound enable viewers to experience the real life feelings with a deeper sense compared to a 2D video. While 3D effects are added for enhanced entertainment experience, it is also used to capture detailed responses from the viewers and note the difference.

architect design

The art of visualization dates back to ancient times of producing graphical versions of tangible objects or conceptual ideas. Cave paintings or carvings on the wall are perfect examples of visualization in the historical context while building structures and architectural designs are examples of visualization in the modern times.
With developments in the field of computer graphics and allied technology, the significance of 3D visualization has increased. Engineers, architects, scientists and many other professionals depend on this technology to display their piece of work. 3D Visualization involves making use of programs in the computer to generate three dimensional images of both manmade and natural objects. This altered or edited image format is used to showcase and communicate a more realistic and lively pictorial message to the viewers.

3D Visualization

Visualization is a very important concept and is implemented in various walks of life. Especially when it comes to media, visualization plays a very crucial and significant role. In the current era, the recent most updated technology is utilized to design three dimensional graphical representations. With the help of 3D visualization, the need for creating an actual object can be avoided. Simultaneously, the various tests to gather certain information in a particular real environment can be obtained from the design of the object created through 3D visualization. Thus various commercial and practical applications can be commenced through the ability of designing an object with a realistic effect.

interior Render

Application of 3D Visualization technology:

An architect, for instance, might be interested in drawing a construction design by using 3D visualization technique and conduct various tests on the feasibility of the design, its sustainability, and benefits of the design as well as negative sides which needs to be eliminated.

The application of 3D Visualization is of significant importance in the automotive testing field. There are several tests that are conducted to check the resistibility of a vehicle’s design during a crash or an accident. The technicians conducting this research can collate all the data from the results derived through the crash test and thus generate a model displaying the crash and make use of the model to implement any improvements in the design.

Many five star hotel properties would like to display their layout on the website to attract customers. Hence virtual tours are embedded on the website with the help of this technology allowing visitors to check out the room interiors before they arrive.

graphical versions

There are certain experiments which can be conducted and observed only through illusion and not practically. Under such circumstances, scientists prefer to use 3D Visualization as a tool to design a replica model of the natural object and put it to test on the computer system with realistic effects.

Scientists also use this technology to showcase various changes that occur around us in the environment. Various climatic changes, rise in the sea levels, land erosion, and other such concepts can be explained through 3D graphical presentation.

The best applications for architects, planners, and designers

Vrender rendering company servicesAmong the myriad of applications for smartphones and tablets, there are those that are particularly popular among architects and designers. We have prepared a list of 10 most popular applications, which will be useful in the design of various objects by both professionals and amateurs.


PadCAD is destined for designing small and insignificant objects and for their reconstruction. It allows creating clear and comprehensive drawings from the scratch while maintaining the ability to export them to the professional CAD application desktops. This app is ideal for the design “on the go.” PadCAD creators believe that their brainchild “is most convenient to use for the general contractors, small architectural firms, and appraisers.”

The demo version can be downloaded free of charge; the official version costs $14.99 for iOS and free for Android.

AutoDesk FormIt

AutoDesk FormIt
AutoDesk FormIt app has been developed inside of Autodesk Revit software package. It allows the use of real, objective information. It helps in creating a sketch at the early design stage and in subsequent data processing in real time. AutoDesk FormIt is intended for continuous building information modeling (BIM), supported in Revit (by synchronizing projects in the cloud). Simple, convenient, and free!

The app can be downloaded for free for iOS and Android.

Sketchup Mobile Viewer

Sketchup Mobile Viewer
In early 2014, it was announced that the next generation of the most convenient and easy to use program for the design SketchUp by Trimble would be included in a single system of building information modeling (BIM). SketchUp Mobile Viewer was released specially for lovers of applications in this year’s April, provides access to work on files anywhere. In addition, users have full access to view and download every file from 3D Shop. The famous in architectural circles program can now be on your smartphone.

The app is available for $9.99 for iOS. The Android version is currently under development.

iRhino 3D / Droid Rhino

iRhino 3D Droid Rhino
This application has been developed by different developers (official Rhino partners) but is used for creating and viewing 3D models created in Rhino3D using a smartphone or tablet. Both devices are equipped with the tools to move the camera, zoom and rotate various 3D models. They also can be shared with your friends via the Internet in the application itself.

The app is available for $3.99 for iOS and $2.99 for Android.

 AutoCAD 360

AutoCAD 360

AutoCAD application that allows creating 2D and 3D drawings may seem too difficult at first glance, but it is not true. This program works on iOS and Android platforms. It allows the creation of three-dimensional models of apartments easily and to plan space with millimeter precision. AutoCAD also supports the zoom function and panorama of all drawings. GPS may be used to navigate through drawings. With the help of the application, you can add text annotations to all drawing and to move objects in space. The application is fairly easy to learn, it is constantly updated. And most importantly, it is free.

Official AutoCAD application is available for IOS version, updated not too long ago. It is based on the main large capacities of the previous version. This app allows viewing and editing 2D or 3D drawings and a subscription to AutoCAD 360, which, however, can be quite expensive, allows direct manipulation with files using a variety of different devices and platforms. The emergence of the cult program for smartphones helps the architect to engage favorite thing being outside the office.

The demo version of the application can be downloaded free of charge, the official version costs $4.99 for iOS and Android.

Concept Idea Calculator

Concept Idea Calculator

Instant and accurate structural aspects at the early stages of design, as well as the process of research for ideas on the feasibility and appropriateness of the project, may be a very difficult task for the architect. The conceptual pocket calculator uses standard parameters of the span to depth ratio for standard steel, concrete, and wood elements, gives users an overview of the size, which may be required for constructive solutions. The app includes photos of various projects, enabling users to view how materials will look like in the final form.

The app can be downloaded for free for iOS. The Android version is currently under development.

Sun Seeker

This app shows where the sun is, and which way it is doing in the sky every day. The data is available for the current day and for any other day of the year for any point of the globe. The program has two main modes: flat compass and works through the iPhone’s camera with the ability to overlay data on the actual image. Sun Seeker app is extremely useful for architects literally at all stages of the design.

iOS app is available for $6.99

Morpholio Trace

Morpholio Trace
This application allows users to create sketches on top of imported images, to add comments and to share ideas underlying in the intelligent sketches. Morpholio Trace is one of the most beloved and popular applications for sketching and creation of free sketches. This is a very important and necessary application because not always pencil and paper are at hand. This product serves you as an alternative to conventional means of architect’s assistance.

iOS app can be downloaded free of charge.

 Archisketch (last Archipad)


Archisketch application has been designed to ease the process of digital painting and drawing, which allows to not only import drawings and create thumbnails on top of them but also to work in a certain scale. Latest updates have brought in the work of the application more complex levels of functioning, which still serve the purpose of increasing the accuracy. Archisketch is an important program for professionals in the business, fully integrating capabilities of sketching and real design.

iOS version of the app can be downloaded free of charge.

Arrette Scale / Arrette Sketch

Arrette Scale
The application allows users to rate each other’s work, to share ideas and sketches. Arrette Scale and Sketch allows making additional design changes on the scale without the need for printing of entire piles of paper documentation. Such features as layer blending of images and importing the basic samples from the original IOS applications (for example, maps and photographs) raises the application to a very high, up-to-date unprecedented level of functionality. It deserves the first place!

Smart Tools

Smart Tools

Smart Tools program is a set of tools that can be useful in the repair. These are tools for measuring angles, the height of the object – 15 types of such tools. With the help of Android smartphone, you can measure the distance from one point to another, or the angle between the ceiling and the wall. The app uses the camera for the measurement and provides the most accurate result. For example, it is possible to measure the angle of an object of any shape. Smart Tools also allows you to determine the level of noise and vibration. The app is free, and it is fairly easy to download.

Master Design

Master Design

Master Design application for the interior is hardly suitable for professional architects. However, if you want to do simple repairs in the apartment, it may be useful to you. The program helps to create the layout of an apartment or a country house taking into account the real dimensions, and to arrange the furniture. The app collects quite a lot of photos of different models of furniture for any room. Master Design allows creating a plan and making the visualization of your future apartment.

The app allows creating and moving images and analyzing the arrangement of furniture. Three-dimensional graphics allows looking at the room from the top, turn on various degrees to achieve maximum actuality. This free of charge application is available on Android devices.

Vrender Company 2017.

What is 3D Modeling?

use of 3D modeling

3D modeling and visualization are widely used for prototyping of buildings and manufactured objects, for creating of volumetric 3D animations, for presentations, and during the production process of any product or packaging.

What is a 3D modeling and visualization?

3D modeling is the creation of the three-dimensional model of the object in the three-dimensional space using special modeling programs.
Modern technologies and computer programs allow creating the models of varying complexity and size, testing the created prototypes and making both technical and design changes in the model.

What is 3D Modeling
3D visualization is the creation of realistic images of the object based on the constructed three-dimensional model of it.
Modern 3D graphics allows creating the photo-realistic and beautiful visualization of various objects. Professional visualization of consumer goods is becoming more popular every day.
The 3D modeling services are required in the following cases:

•    the need of 3D models for presentation of the product, good or any project,
•    when there is a need to assess the characteristics and properties of the product,
•    when it is necessary to visualize the non-existing object or existing, but intangible (the model of the atom, of a galaxy, and so on).

Stages of 3D modeling

The fields of use of 3D modeling and visualization are:

•    advertising and marketing – creating advertising layouts and outdoor advertising, development of packaging design, of exhibition stands, of POS-materials, etc.,
•    urban planning – creating the layout of urban architecture and landscape,
•    architecture – interior and exterior design,
•    industry – production of prototypes of parts, spare parts, machinery, buildings, etc.,
•    foundry – creating the reverse molds,
•    computer games and animation – three-dimensional characters and animated videos,
•    film industry – creating the realistic pictures and scenes that cannot be displayed using an ordinary camera or that do not exist,
•    Internet – 3D models of products for online shopping,
•    jewelry – modeling the existing and new jewelry and items made of precious metals and stones and other.

3D modeling and visualization

Stages of 3D modeling and visualization:

•    Creating a three-dimensional geometric model,
•    Overlaying the texture on the model,
•    Creating a scenery of environment,
•    Setting lighting: exposure of light, the level of brightness, and shadows,
•    Setting up the camera, the choice of the best point of observation,
•    Configuring additional effects,
•    Rendering,
•    Processing of the received images in the graphic editors (like Adobe Photoshop, for example).

3D modeling software

In order to create a three-dimensional model of the product, 3D modelers and designers use the special 3D software – three-dimensional modeling programs. As of today, there is a large number of such programs: some of them are free, some are available only after purchase. All programs are similar, but have different interfaces and are used for various purposes:
Autodesk 3ds max;
Autodesk Maya;
• Autodesk Softimage;
• Autodesk Mudbox;
• SolidWorks;
• Houdini;
• Sweet Home 3D;
• Modo;
• Rhinoceros 3D;
• Cinema 4d;
• Sculptris;
• 3D-Coat (3D-Brush);
• SharpConstruct.

Zbrush 3d Modeling  Maya 3d modeling

blender 3d modeling  3ds max 3d modeling
Working with Vrender Company, you will receive the following benefits of 3D modeling and visualization:

•    a favorable ratio of price, time, and quality,
•    the exact design based on the set drawings, sketches, photos or product samples,
•    the possibility of making various changes to the model: the size, shape, parameters, design, and so on,
•    the ability to refine the already existing 3D model (it is possible after the 3D scan),
•    creating photorealistic images-visualizations with a high degree of credibility.

Vrender Company 2016.

What is Virtual Reality?

what is virtual reality

VR is harmoniously working set of systems of content, projectors, glasses, synchronizer for glasses’ shimmer and a controller (a powerful computer or a cluster). Properly collected VR system allows receiving the main on the objects of the increased sensitivity – to teach staff to make decisions instantly in case of emergency. In a number of industrial projects, the difference of 3-5 seconds can be decisive and can worth not even a couple of million dollars (the cost of equipment) but dozens of human lives. That is why everything that allows having the experience of the emergency as closely as possible deserves attention.

Of course, if you have the opportunity to work on the emergency in the real life, it must be used. But the only large stand of this kind I know is a copy of the ISS (it was a copy of the MIR station previously), where future crews are trained. And if depressurization occurs somewhere, guys will not be able to breathe – this is beyond the VR’s capabilities so far. But, of course, it is impossible to copy NPP for training purposes, or an oil platform, or any industrial object (e.g. a factory for the construction of aircraft or cruisers, mining industry or something else). You must use VR as the closest technique, in addition to the “physical” machines on separate nodes.

3D-images are not virtual reality

virtual reality in unreal engine 4

Conventional 3D-images on the computer are not virtual reality. Yes, there are models, renders and so on, but the question is how it is perceived. Education of the personnel in a system of nuclear power plant is not very far away from training on the posters on the usefulness. The point, again, is that there is no effect of diving headlong, for which the entire VR is destined.

vr in v-ray for 3ds max

On the objects of increased liability, it is assumed that in the framework of working out the emergency situations on the simulator, you shall receive more or less accurate representation not based on logic, but as a whole, on your body. You know, it’s like airplane pilots – at first, the transition from a computer simulator to the simulator with realistic controls and simulation of sharp slopes to enhance the skills. It feels like for the first time after such a transition. And the second jump is the transition from a simulator to the real aircraft.


The Best 2016 VR Virtual Reality (VR) Headsets

Oculus Rift

oculus rift
Sony PlayStation VR

sony playstation vr
Samsung Gear VR

samsung gear vr
HTC Vive/SteamVR

htc vive steamvr
Google Daydream View

google daydream view
Windows 10 VR Headsets

windows 10 Vr 3d rendering

Read Excellent Article in PC Mag about VR Headsets

 Benefits of VR in your work

Virtual reality (VR) changes the visualization of architecture forever. 3D models can now be enjoyed and watched from all sides.
VR makes it possible to provide much more information to the customer. Multiple perspectives will not make you feel and walk in the building to see the details. Of course, the renderer will require making more work in terms of modeling of the objects, but the result is worth it. So, these are  reasons to add VR to your workflow.

The system of virtual reality is a competitive advantage

What is the competitive advantage at the first place? This is when your client can “touch” and clearly evaluate the project. In one article, a designer and visualizer Olivier Demangel described his shock that he experienced for the first time when using the VR. He could hardly believe that his project was not yet implemented. So, frankly speaking, if you or your company offer simple computer imaging while your competitor offers VR, the customer’s choice is obvious.

Be in trend

This item is from the same category as the previous one. If you will start applying the latest technologies first, it will definitely make you more visible amongst the other companies that are also involved in visualization. In addition, virtual reality is now at the peak of its popularity, and be in trend is always better to attract attention.

Almost everyone can afford the immersion in virtual reality

VR is not expensive at all; it can be afforded by many. Virtual reality system will cost you somewhere around $1,000 (the glasses of 3D virtual reality and/or a helmet). This technology will pay off multiple times due to your new customers.

Less edits from the customer

The stunning detalization shows the entire project at once and provides all details about the object. Thus, you redo less throughout the entire project.
For example, you can make the lighting in real time. The customer will be able to switch light between day and night. Such interactivity allows evaluating the design quickly and efficiently.

Implementation of real-life scenarios

Modeling may include something as simple as lighting, which has been already previously described. But it is possible to approach to the use of virtual reality more globally. For example, to create the airport and to see how buildings and machines will react to different weather conditions.
Another option is to check your systems of the emergency exit; the man finds a way out of the building by means of a system of signs and signals in glasses of virtual reality. Computer scenarios are able to show us how people can behave in emergencies, but exclude human errors. These ideas shall make future buildings safer and more comfortable.

VR for Architecture and Design

VR in 3D Software

How to make a virtual reality in 3ds Max? You can find all the necessary tools to create a virtual reality in the latest versions of ChaosGroup Vray 3.2 for 3ds Max. And this is one of the ways how to do it:

Virtual Reality in Unreal engine 4

10 of the Best Virtual Reality Games

Vrender  Company 2016.

Visualization and animation in Cinema 4D & Vrayforc4D

Restaurants render

Cinema 4D or abbreviated C4D by MAXON company is a package for creating three-dimensional graphics and animation.
Cinema 4D is a universal program for creating and editing three-dimensional effects and objects. It allows rendering objects using Gouraud method. It supports high-quality animation and rendering. It stands out thanks to simpler interface than other analogues.

Resorts rendering

With the release of the 12th version, MAXON no longer provides modules for sale. Instead, Cinema 4D is now available only in the six embodiments described below.
In addition to the main program, which contains the basic tools for modeling, texturing, animation and rendering, there are also modules that allow the user to get more specialized tools and functions of the program.

hotel visualization

hotel rendering

• Advanced Render – it is a module that provides advanced capabilities for rendering of the scenes,
• BodyPaint 3D – tools for creating UV’s unwrapping and texture maps (since R10, it is included in the basic package),
• Dynamics – module to simulate the dynamics of hard and soft bodies,
• HAIR – module for creating hair,
• MOCCA – a module designed to work on characters’ animation. It includes a system for simulation of tissues, morphing, various deformers, and much more,
• MoGraph – it is a module designed to generate and animate objects. It is intended for creation of animation design,
• NET Render – a module that allows calculating the animation in the render farm. Starting from its 15th version, this module ceased to exist and was replaced by Team Render system,
• PyroCluster – a tool for creating volumetric effects of smoke, dust, etc… (from the R10 version it has been included in the Advanced Render module),
• Sketch and Toon – a module allowing to create not photo-realistic visualization of the scene,
• Thinking Particles – it is a module that includes nodes system of particles’ control.

© Copyright Vrender.com  2016.

What is 3D graphics?

3D graphics or three-dimensional graphics is a sphere of computer graphics, a set of techniques and tools allowing creating three-dimensional objects using shapes and colors. It differs from the two-dimensional images by the creation of a geometrical projection of a three-dimensional model of the scene (virtual space) in the 2D. This is executed with the help of specialized software. The resulting model can be the same as the real-world objects (e.g., a building, a person, a car, an asteroid), or to be completely abstract (projection of the four-dimensional fractal).

three dimensional graphics  How 3D Graphics Work

Who uses visualization  what is 3D graphics

Today, 3D graphics firmly entered many areas of our lives:

• construction (visualization of volumetric images of architectural buildings, objects, interior & exterior);
• production (object modeling);
• TV (simulated images in glossy magazines, video clips, special effects in the movie);
• the game industry (3D-animations and virtual worlds, the development of computer games);
• polygraphy (creating the printed products);
• commercial (electronic presentations and catalogs, billboards, etc.) and so on.
3D graphics is one of the most effective tools in advertising, allowing extending the impact on the potential customer and raise the quality of ads presenting both real and virtual worlds.
3D modeling is the process of creating three-dimensional model of the object. 3D-modeling’ goal is to develop a volumetric visual image of the desired object. With the help of three-dimensional graphics, you can create an exact copy of any object, and to develop new, unreal object, which has not existed until now.


Three-dimensional graphics actively used to create the images on the flat screen or sheet of printed materials in science and industry. For example, in the systems of aided design (CAD; to create solid-state elements: buildings, machinery parts, mechanisms), architectural visualization (this includes so-called “virtual archaeology”), in modern systems of medical imaging.

Its widest use is in many modern computer games, as well as an element of film industry, television, and printed products.

Three-dimensional graphics usually deals with a virtual, imaginary three-dimensional space that is to be displayed on a flat, two-dimensional surface or paper. Nowadays there are known several ways to display the three-dimensional information in a volumetric form, although most of them represent three-dimensional characteristics with many conditions, because they work with the stereo images. Stereo glasses, virtual helmets, 3D-displays able to demonstrate the three-dimensional images – all of them may be mentioned in this area. Several manufacturers have demonstrated the readiness for serial production of three-dimensional displays. However, they still do not allow you to create a solid-state in physics, tangible copy of a mathematical model that is easily created by three-dimensional graphics. Developing since 1990s, technology of rapid prototyping eliminates this gap. This technology uses a mathematical representation of the object model as a solid-state object (so-called “Voxel model”).


3D Rendering and 3D Modeling Software

Currently, the use of modern computer technologies, including 3D visualization, becomes more popular every day. 3D modeling, prototyping and visualization allow a detailed study of any object’s model to evaluate its functionality and to make the necessary amendments to the design, as well as to create more photorealistic images.

Recently, 3D modeling and visualization are used more and more often in a wide variety of presentations, conferences and exhibitions, as these technologies make it possible to consider not only the original design idea, but the whole future project in every detail.

Let’s consider the basic programs for 3D modeling, 3D rendering and 3d animation.

3ds max rendering service

3ds Max  www.autodesk.com

3ds Max is comfortable, functional and effective program that has a great set of features and materials through which it is possible to perform the visualization, 3D modeling or animation. The app is created by Autodesk company.

3ds Max has extensive set of tools and algorithms that allow creating three-dimensional computer objects, the most diverse in form and complexity.
The main method of visualization of the program is progressive scan algorithm by the line, with the recently added features such as Global Illumination and Radiosity Ray Tracing.
The functionality of the program significantly expanded by connecting unlimited number of plugins (Vray, Forest Pack, etc.).
3ds Max provides access to new tools of high-performance that significantly improves applications’ performance and eases working moments, allowing users to work more efficiently with complex components with high definition.

cinema 4d 3d modeling

CINEMA 4D www.maxon.ne

CINEMA 4D Studio is one of the most promising and best universal programs from the MAXON studio, that will be appreciated by the professional 3D-artists. This program, thanks to its optimized renderer, allows creating and editing three-dimensional objects, effects and photo realistic images of any sizes. In addition, powerful animation tools and a set of the most different algorithms can create real masterpieces of cinematography, not worse than you can see on TV.

This program contains all the necessary tools for modeling, texturing, rendering and animation. Built-in additional models allow access to additional specialized functions and tools of the program. Besides, there is always the opportunity to select a specific version of the program that will contain dedicated modules for each specific task.

blender rendering

Blender  www.blender.org

Among the variety of programs for visualization, modeling and rendering, it is impossible not to mention one freeware, multi-functional software for creating computer 3D graphics – Blender.
This graphical editor can do almost everything – to animate, to select the best level of lighting, to carry out post-processing and texture mapping, to create models. This application has a user-friendly interface and the usual set of tools, buttons and panels, providing maximum comfort for users. It should be noted that users can choose from a variety of interfaces for animation or simulation, depending on the selected operating mode. Among the distinctive parameters of interface, two modes are worth noting – Object mode and Edit mode.

Blender is a graphical editor with a rather rigid structure, so in order to create any scenery, you need to set all parameters and properties and to identify correctly all of the attributes that describe it. Working process in the editor is built on the system of data blocks, wherein each block contains detailed information about the object, the environment in which the scene was simulated or about some event.
Summarizing, we can say that today Blender can be attributed to the best free online three-dimensional graphical editors and it is an alternative variant for titans of three-dimensional modeling.

SketchUp Rendering and modeling

SketchUp www.sketchup.com

SketchUp is functional, simple, convenient and intuitive graphical software with open source for rapid modeling, architectural visualization and modeling of the interior, with which you can create objects of various shapes and dimensions. As a rule, this application most frequently used in work of designers and architects. The editor allows adding new textures, details, change the shape and size of ready-made objects. SketchUp allows developing complex design projects, it works with raster and vector graphics and animation.
One of the main advantages of this program is very simple and accessible interface, adapted to the needs of users, so the program is convenient for work both for professional designers and for beginners who are just starting to learn the basics of modeling.

The main characteristics of the program: usual instruments, export and import a variety of file formats, raster two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics, the use of plug-ins and add-on packages, the choice of the maximum level of illumination, creating macros to duplicate actions, so new features can be added, if necessary.

Vision your Structure in a finer way with 3D Rendering Services

Have any dream construction at heart? 3D Rendering is the procedure which may allow you to repeat that fantastic arrangement on PC or TV prior to the authentic building begins. Previously, the thoughts were figured out on paper but the scenario has changed with all the progress in technology and paper work is not relied upon by nowadays designers.
Like light refraction, etc we are able to contain lightings, colours, feels and various effects together with the aid of 3D Rendering and so making the pictures photorealistic.
The 3D Rendering services contains in designing quite efficient tools that are expected. 3D Renderings services being user friendly and creating effects that are accurate reduces prices.

render 3d service

3D Rendering services may be used in:

1.3d  Walkthrough and 3D Animation
2. 3D Photomontage
3. 3D Merchandise Rendering
3D Merchandise Rendering:
Using 3D Merchandise Rendering Digital Format of Merchandise could be created thereby enhancing the demonstration of the item to the customers.
This technique is quite user friendly plus among the most effective method to present your layout.

  rendering of architecture
3D Photomontage:

Photomontage is the technique of combining photos by combining and cutting multiple photos. Photomontage is an activity where embedding other pictures to greatly help improve visualization of the picture of the electronic construction alters pictures of a current picture.
1. Malfunction models that are free
2. Reduced total time
3. Visually Increased pictures
4. Decreased Price
5. Simple Execution
6. Exact Result
7. Powerful Demonstration
In history that was close, a lot has been developed by 3D rendering in the Architectural sector. It is becoming an essential tool in architecture business. 3D Leaving services helps businesses to create their customer or end user to visualize their dream construction in a way that is realistic. It additionally help Firms to present their services and products and therefore, helps in advertising that is efficient.