
3D architectural visualization is a graphical representation of an object that allows estimating the future construction. It is possible to present the external features of the planned construction by the demonstration of a project from different angles in photo-realistic graphics.

Architectural visualization is a technique to create images that will accurately reflect the planned construction in the background of the surrounding area before the start of construction. It is used today almost by all architects, as a means to live and vivid demonstration of the project proposed by the customer.

The aim of 3D architectural visualization is an effective advertising of an object, which provides it fame and trust. This method ensures the creation of an image of the advertised project, as well as the formation of the necessary conditions around it.

The process of creating three-dimensional architectural visualization is more complex than just the usual static architectural drawing. The quality of a video depends on the elaboration of every detail and the correct storyboard of a video.Thus, three-dimensional imaging is an excellent marketing tool. A bright three-dimensional presentation of a residential complex or a shopping center will be a significant argument in favor of the success of the plan and will attract new investments.

It is much easier to receive the approval of investors when there are realistic pictures of the future object in front of them, not just your promises. Visualization allows making the idea tangible and, therefore, more convincing than words. With such a support, nothing is impossible for you: just show the customer the interior of a house in the moonlight, or let him “walk” in the yard of a residential complex.

Visualization of architecture facilities is performed in two types of the graphic image, different from each other by the method of performance: manually and by means of computer capabilities. The first option will allow creating an image according to the rules of descriptive geometry. In the second option, the artist uses a 3D professional programs. In any case, the result of work gives the most realistic photographic image of the future areas, enabling the possibility of cost evaluation and selection of the final version, corresponding to the client’s financial capabilities.

Before you begin designing models of three-dimensional format, architects need to be provided with drawings of floors, facades, relief (roads, trees, landscapes) in order to make studio of 3D imaging evaluate and calculate the exact cost of the work. Presenting the object from the most profitable angle, 3D architectural visualization is an effective tool for product’s promotion and it helps to attract investors.

The 3D Architectural Visualization is used:

•    in the creation of videos,
•    in presentations of architectural object,
•    during the creation of a virtual tour,
•    on sites of construction companies.

Using photo-realistic images, you can see how the externally even non-existent building will look like. Therefore, 3D visualization of architectural projects is a powerful tool for building companies. It is easily perceived by both a consumer and a client. The photo-realistic image allows acquaintance with the appearance of an external outlook of future buildings. Due to this, it is possible to see all the flaws of the project immediately, as well as compliance of an architectural concept of all objects in the vicinity.

Three-dimensional architectural visualization is ordered by not only architects and architectural companies, but also by designers to demonstrate interior, furniture, etc.
It gives the opportunity for advertising agencies and construction companies to compete on the market. In addition, the use of 3D technology is also common among individuals who want to make repairs to the exterior of the house.

Vrender Company 2017

Visualization of exteriors: the working process

Visualization using 3D technologies is a creative process. The result of this work is a unique image that conveys the mood of the author and leaves some impression on the viewers.
Architectural 3D visualization of exteriors is created almost every time before the beginning of the project. It largely facilitates the perception of the building, provides an opportunity to consider in details all the pros and cons, to evaluate all the architectural delights and surroundings terrain. Instead of tedious and boring drawings, accurate calculations, graphs and tables, the viewer sees an accurate 3D model of the object that is easily percepted.

Visualization of exteriors

However, in order to create this model, it is necessary to pass certain working stages. Let’s try to understand what the steps precede this ultimate goal – the creation of a 3D model of the exterior and let’s understand, whether it is easy or not.
So, first of all, each project requires an individual approach. In the preparation stage, analysis and planning are necessary. By breaking down a whole into simple components, it is much easier to perform the project to meet the set deadlines and a certain budget.

The main programs using which 3D images for architectural 3D visualization are created

Today 3d Studio Max software is especially popular, which offers users wide opportunities and plenty of options for high-quality and high-grade graphics. This professional software package is ideal for creating high-quality animation and three-dimensional modeling, in particular, 3D visualization of houses, buildings, facades etc. The program offers plenty of options, giving the maximum capacity.

renderig of exterior

Another program for architectural visualization and design is ArchiCAD. It is simple in usability and functionality. You can use it to implement a variety of technologies. A unique feature of this program is that it can prepare required documentation, while the architect is developing a 3D visualization of the exterior.

In addition to programs, actively used various modules and plug-ins for 3D visualization of premises, houses, buildings, facades and exteriors in general:
V-Ray is a rendering system and is used to create lightweight versions of objects.skyscraper rendering

By using such programs, a three-dimensional scene is created, after which you can proceed to architectural visualization itself. Time frames of exterior’s rendering process can range from a few hours per frame to several weeks, depending on the project, experience and software used. Another important point is the power of computer. More powerful it is – the quicker and better the process is.

So each project requires an individual approach. In the preparation step, it is necessary to analyze and plan. By breaking it down into simple components, it is much easier to carry out the project, to meet the set deadlines and to fit into a certain budget.

Main stages:

1. Development of technical specification. At this stage occurs the preparation of all necessary drawings, charts and other documents, which are full of numbers and calculations. The main task is to make accurate calculations of architecture that can be implemented in the project.

2. The calculation of cost of the future project is prepared. Here are made rough estimates for construction materials and labor. This step is necessary in order to understand if to apply 3D imaging of exterior or not.

3. Creation of a basic model of the future facility. Selection of a program to work, all the calculations are converted to graphics, initial sketches are made.
4. Creation of exterior of the desired object. The future object is fully created that you can see in 3D.

5. Addition of the finishing touches. Engagement in the development of interactive features, enhancement of image quality, addition of convenience features and options.

Thus, we can say that the process of creation of 3D-models of exterior’s visualization is quite complicated and requires specific efforts, experience and professionalism.
The final stage of visualization and buildings’ 3D exterior design can become its completion in Photoshop using various additional plug-ins, to give it a more realistic and lively outlook.

Author: Maxim S

New York, NY


© Copyright  2016.


3D visualization technologies win markets rapidly because of their practicality and ease of visual presentation.

Vrender Rendering Company will help to see realistically creations that previously existed only as drawings, sketches, or words. In the 3D model, you can accurately assess the characteristics of your future product and protect yourself from problems and errors made at the stage of design. With minimum time and cost, we will identify all the competitive advantages and the “weak points”, saving your time and money.

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Architectural 3D visualization is a graphical representation of an object or landscape, allowing to most accurately represent the external characteristics of the future facility or area. Currently, this is the most effective form of demonstration of competitive projects, creating presentations in the field of design and construction. We can say with confidence that the architectural visualization became an indispensable tool for every architect and designer.

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Architectural 3D visualization should contain not only informative value when projecting architectural forms in their current state, but also value in terms of structure composition, light setting and architectural elements. The possibilities of modern 3D technology allow to create completely photo-realistic images of architectural forms, which is particularly important when imaging the object in the existing construction or on the existing terrain.
Architectural rendering includes a wide variety of functions utilized by architects and builders, as well as in advertising and creative industries. Such a wide range of architectural visualization capabilities has created conditions for the development of computer graphics in the direction of a single service industry adopted by the global market.

3d visualization services

Who needs rendering services?

Our clients are construction companies, advertising agencies, architectural firms, design institutes, management companies, developers, construction and investment companies.

Why architectural rendering services are in demand?

High-quality 3d rendering allows not only to see the project in the most attractive way to make an object more popular on the market, stand out among multitude of competing offers, but also to evaluate whether the investment will be cost effective. The price of these 3D rendering services is very reasonable and pays off well in the cycle of the project.

3d rendering companies


As the result, you receive an effective tool for the promotion of real estate and investment projects based on computer images created by us. Advertising booklets, brochures and websites are also created using this technology. Our materials are used:

•    for various investment and architectural presentations;
•    during the real estate advertising campaigns;
•    at international construction shows such as MIPIM and MAPIC.

3d rendering cost price


•    Architectural visualization is created at the design stage, allowing to compare different materials and colors, providing a presentation of your project in the most attractive way.
•    3D visualization of architectural developments as well as real estate projects provides high detail and realistic images that allows to reduce the risk of errors at the stage of design and to avoid costs for their elimination at the construction stage.

Author: Maxim S . © Copyright  2016.

New York, NY


Architectural rendering, sometimes referred to as architectural visualization, is the process of creating two-dimensional images or animations showing the attributes of a proposed architectural design. Architectural rendering is used by architects for various purposes:

1. Visualization: Before a building is constructed, architects need a way to show their clients how the design will look in real life. Rendering helps clients visualize the project and allows architects to demonstrate design concepts and make adjustments before construction begins.

2. Presentations: High-quality renders are used for presentations to clients, and investors, or for public approvals. They need to be clear, appealing, and realistic to effectively communicate the design intent.

3. Marketing: Developers and real estate companies often use architectural renderings to market residential or commercial spaces before they are built. They serve as a powerful tool for pre-selling or leasing property.

4. Design Analysis: Renders allow architects to study how light plays with the building surfaces, how the materials look in different lighting conditions, and how the structure blends with the site context. It can prompt design modifications when something doesn’t work as expected.

5. Permits and Zoning: For legal certification, councils often require visualizations to understand the impact of the new structure on the surrounding environment.

Architectural rendering can be done in many ways:

– Hand-drawn sketches: Traditionally, architects have used sketches to convey an artistic impression of the final product. While not as common today, hand rendering still has a place in the early stages of design.

– 3D Modeling and Rendering Software: Software such as SketchUp, AutoCAD, Revit, 3ds Max, Maya, and Rhino are widely used today. These tools allow architects to create detailed 3D models of their designs which can then be rendered with realistic textures, lighting, and shading.

– Photorealistic Rendering: This technique attempts to create an image as realistic as a photograph. This often involves complex rendering software that can simulate light, materials, and camera effects.

– Virtual Reality (VR): VR allows clients and stakeholders to experience the space in a much more immersive way than traditional renders. Users can “walk” through the interior and exterior of the building and get a sense of the scale and spatial relationships.

– **Augmented Reality (AR)**: AR overlays digital content onto the real world and can be used to visualize buildings in situ through smart devices.

– **Animations and Walkthroughs**: These are video presentations that make it possible to give a tour of the design, showing different angles and features as if one is moving inside or around the building.

Architects and firms may either have in-house specialists for rendering or they may outsource this task to specialized companies. The advancement in technology has also ushered in AI-based rendering tools which can further streamline and speed up this process.

For architects, proficiency in creating or at least understanding architectural rendering is important as it directly impacts client feedback, project approvals, and ultimately, the success of their designs.


Working on a project architects confront a question: «In what way they can profitably present it to a customer?».

Drawings, sketches, or planning documentation are everything that usually helps architects to work comfortably and easily aren’t good enough for customers because they are very far from the cobwebs of the architect’s work.

The most profitable and intelligible way to present the project is 3D rendering which helps architects:

  • to free time for creative work;
  • to bolster your profit margins;
  • to guarantee a competitive position.

Call us or write to, in order to book the rendering of your project and to know all the details about all work advantages with our architectural visualization studio and about different variants of effective architectural object presentation.

Robert Brice (a founder of the “AECIS Interiors” studio) tells about the experience of cooperating with our studio:

Benefits of using qualitative architectural rendering

An opportunity to demonstrate a photorealistic image of a project and make a simpler way of coordination. Sometimes it is very difficult to explain to a customer the concept of the project.

It is very difficult to do it orally, but many transitional stages, such as the first sketches or conceptual drawings with a pencil can be sufficient for you may not be intelligent to a customer, so all coordination work and explanations will drag out a business.

The project of reconstruction: current situation and the first sketches (Do you think a customer will understand the idea? Fat chance).

An ideal decision for a customer will be to see a three-dimensional image of his own object.

Renovation project rendering, so the customer understands an architectural concept and the project will be concurred and proved:

Vrender Architectural 3D rendering Services


Furthermore, a customer has business partners, colleagues, friends, and family whom he wishes to consult with in order to determine conclusively. But for them, it is too difficult to puzzle out project documentation and to understand architectural and planning concepts. Even more, the reason is that a client and not you will present the project. Here again, rendering will be a finished, nice, and intelligible picture, so it is a good way to form a favorable opinion about the project among people whom a client is accustomed to advise. Very often, he put a rendering of his future house or shop on the table or demonstrates it on his iPhone.

And in the case of objects presentation at public hearings or before different planning commissions rendering is practically the only way of demonstration.

A possibility to convince a client of the need to order a project

3D visualization for architects and real estate firms


Is your customer thinking, or hesitating about the need for a project or his manager of the work can build everything himself?

The main fact is to «give a kick» to a customer and motivate him to order the complete outfit of the project documentation, spending the minimum amount of time and money. Rendering is the best way to solve such a problem because it is enough to use only several sketches and reference images for the creation of a nice marketing picture.

A reference image and alternate layout (for an experienced architect it is a simple, quick, and solvable problem):


Architecture 3D illustrations Norfolk Virginia

Consequently, you can demonstrate the image of a client’s future stairs even before the stage of the initial design, finally, convince him in your professional manner, and show the necessity of further cooperation.


stairs renderingstairs visualization

Rendering – the project is well-designed and finished

A possibility to get an additional income

Rendering for an architect is cheaper than for an end customer.

During rendering takes place, with the cooperation of both the architect and visualizer, corrections are proposed, angles are approved, and technical assignment is coordinated. Rather than anywhere else at this cooperation, an additional value of a rendering is born. Another way of putting it is that rendering that has been ordered at our studio is selling to the end customer at a higher price.

All the more reason is that by means of a qualitative rendering worth of the project is rising in customers’ eyes.

A possibility to save some time for creative work and greenfield projects

Once in a way, an architect has to follow all customers’ tough requirements. So, practically all architects have kitschy projects – they are simple and banal architecturally, but nevertheless very attractive to a client.

Such a routine for perfect architects is very burdensome, but all the same moneymaker especially if the question is about facade stylization of already-existing objects.

Architects Developers Homeowners 3d visualization

Specified planning documentation, drawings, or detailed sketches aren’t needed to be used.

Rendering helps to solve such a problem: you describe the concept of the project and prepare schematic sketches (of course, a client doesn’t need them, but they are enough for the beginning of the rendering work). In a similar fashion, it is possible to visualize only facades apart from foreground images that in some cases allow stepping away from drawings and saving your time and money.
Additional confidence that in the course of projection and material, the selection was not refused admittance.

Rendering reproduces a play of light and shadow that cannot be represented in any other way. Many materials change their color and reflective power depending on optic angle and lightning so this property is taken into account during materials selection.

Also, rendering allows watch different variants of color layouts and choose the best one.

Rendering is a sort of control examination of the whole project. Integrating all possible amendments is cheaper at the design stage than in the process of construction.

A project that has been already designed and visualized can be encased in a portfolio and demonstrated to new customers without waiting until the end of construction.
Object construction is delayed very often or even doesn’t begin sometimes. Nevertheless, the project is finished and examined in detail, so that a wish appears to show it to new customers, colleagues, or put up for tender.

And since our rendering has been taken for a photograph, you can easily replace the photo of a completed object. It will speed up the architect’s portfolio replenishment and spend the minimum of time between the project’s finish and its beginning, so it brings glory to an architect and his studio.

Competitive position before other architects, because they don’t have a good rendering.

Unfortunately, for us (visualizers) and fortunately for you (architects), not many architects consider a qualitative 3D visualization as a necessity.

Some architects:

• prefer to refuse from rendering at all forgetting about its demonstrativeness for a customer;
• economize greatly on rendering without paying attention to its quality and doing everything only just to check the box, because «everybody does the same».

Such an approach is appropriated only for some architectural circles. But if to take into consideration business engineering, architecture, or design, project sales will be topside. Project success depends on their visual appeal that is exactly reproduced by rendering.

Graphic tablets with our works, executed for Architectural and design workshops “Allegro” and “White square”:

An opportunity to give new releases of life to old competitive or unrealized projects.

Surely, every architect has several old, unrealized, but all the same compelling projects. Such projects you wish to use in a portfolio or demonstrate to new potential clients but it can’t be done because of their obsolete form of presentation (a wash drawing, axonometric drawings, or a simple model of “ArchiCAD”).

Rendering gives a new release of life to projects like that and they will work for you a great while, attracting more clients.


Photorealistic images new york

First, it should be noted that architectural visualization helps the best way to see the plan of the new facility and how will it fit into the surrounding landscape and the architectural ensemble or how high-rise buildings will look in the new district.

Architectural visualization of interiors and exteriors come to the assistance during the creation of beautiful colorful images and 3D visualizations and the demonstration of a variety of competitive works of architect presentations.

Photorealistic images allow to see all the positive and negative characteristics of the building and are highly informative. That’s the goal of architectural visualization.
Architects3d animation rendering services, builders, and designers use architectural visualization. The following should work as a team to create a good project: 3D visualizer, retoucher, art director, animator, designer, and others.
You can talk about the aesthetic part of the architectural rendering, but it is better to highlight some interesting elements in the work on the ready image.
Using the work of such wonderful programs as “ArchiCAD”, “3ds Max”, “AutoCAD”, “ V-Ray”, specialists consider not only the technical aspects of the work but also building criteria.
For example, the result will not be professional if the renderer will not consider the rules of composition, light, and perspective.

Huston architectural rendering

Very often, these play a key role in the entire destiny of the project.
Modern computer capabilities and rendering methods allow creating of photographic pictures without photography. The planned result can be a raster or vector image, panorama, or 3D visualization. Currently, the most popular method of architectural visualization is remote programming.

architectural rendering for real estate sales

Architectural visualization includes a significant number of different tasks. Informative and building value should be the main qualities of the designed object.
Visualization is highly interactive and uses the possibility of modeling the reaction to human actions also. For example, elevators, escalators, and doors can open in response to the movements of a person. So the real simulation of interactivity is possible with 3D Architectural visualization.
Architectural visualization, in general, is not only very convenient but also a new level of cultural arts. Visualization of each object is an art.


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3D Architectural visualization makes it possible to view both the outward and inward appearances of the future constructions.

This type of imaging called architectural visualization, it represents a separate line in the work of architects, and 3D designers, allowing them work together successfully.

It is important to note the fact that architectural visualization now is a very precise in demonstrations of the future projects look, its compositions, setting the light sources and any other details.

3d redering styles

There are several types of imaging

This is hand drawing and computer graphics, respectively. Special software allows you to make high-quality presentation of the project.
Therefore, hand drawing is a method of imaging, which often means a computer process, but everything almost entirely based on the works created by hand. This takes into account geometric principles.

Computer graphics are more specialized. Graphics are usually vector or raster obtained after calculating rendered objects in specialized application.
In addition to this, these are highly interactive visualizations, which mean the possibility of modeling the reaction on human actions. It may be elevators, escalators or doors opens in response to the movement of a person. Also, they have a real simulation of interactivity impossible in the real world. There is a practical value in the opportunity to assess the need for the presence of architectural additions.

One of the most comprehensive architectural rendering industries is interior design.
This function allows changing the interior plan, including the color of walls, wallpapers, kitchen or living room. 3D Architectural visualization of the interior will help even to move the furniture in the apartment.

ny renderings

Architectural visualization is the practice of creating digital representations of buildings, interiors, or urban environments before they are actually built. This field combines art and technology to produce images, animations, or virtual reality experiences that help architects, designers, clients, and the public visualize a space or structure.

The process of architectural visualization typically involves the following steps:

1. Conceptualization: The designer or architect will provide initial ideas, sketches, or plans for the structure or space that needs to be visualized.

2. Modeling: Using specialized 3D modeling software like Autodesk 3ds Max, SketchUp, Blender, or Revit, a digital model of the building or space is created. This model includes geometry for walls, windows, doors, and other architectural elements.

3. Texturing and Materials: Applying textures and materials to the model provides realism. This includes specifying the appearance of surfaces, such as glass, concrete, wood, and metal.

4. Lighting: Proper lighting is crucial in architectural visualization. It can be used to enhance the mood, realism, and spatial qualities of the rendered scene. Both natural and artificial light sources are simulated.

5. Rendering: This is the process of generating the actual image from the model, where the computer calculates light interaction, shading, reflections, and other aspects based on the materials and lighting setup. Common rendering software includes V-Ray, Corona Renderer, and Unreal Engine.

6. Post-Processing: After rendering, the image may be further refined in image editing software such as Adobe Photoshop to adjust color balance, contrast, and brightness, and to add any final touches that enhance the visual presentation.

7. Presentation: The final images, animations, or interactive experiences are then presented to clients, stakeholders, or the public to communicate the design intent and to help in the decision-making process.

Architectural visualization can be used for a wide range of purposes, including:

– Presentations to clients or investors
– Marketing material for real estate
– Applications for planning permission
– Interior design planning
– Virtual tours for unbuilt spaces
– Enhancing public engagement and feedback

Advancements in technology have greatly expanded the possibilities within architectural visualization, incorporating tools like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and real-time rendering to create immersive and interactive experiences.

Architectural visualization has become ingrained in our everyday lives. Modern architectural projects are complicated and fancy. Their qualitative up-to-date realization is responsible for a company’s profit and many peoples’ lives.

It’s efficient to visualize both a little project of a house and a huge project (especially a plot plan of cottage communities, multilevel junctions, and new city districts), which will greatly develop the quality of the final result. 3D visualization intends for virtual graphic pictures’ creation using modern software. The image precisely resembles both a chart and a real conceptual design, because the programs can create all the details of the object with maximum accuracy.


Architectural visualization will help you to:

• take details of your project into account;
• look at the object from each side;
• detect strengths and weaknesses of a project;
• correct the project through 3D pre-visualization (correction of readymade projects).

No profitable project can be managed without preliminary 3D visualization in modern life. So, 3D service is accessible to anyone who wishes to use architectural visualization.


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An architectural rendering company specializes in creating visual representations of architectural designs. These companies use a combination of art, design, and technology to produce images and animations that realistically depict how a building or space will look before it’s built. Their services are vital in architecture, interior design, real estate, and urban planning. Here’s a more detailed look at what these companies do:

Services Offered

  1. 3D Architectural Renderings: Producing high-quality, detailed 3D images of exterior and interior spaces. These renderings often include textures, lighting, and environmental elements like landscaping.
  2. Virtual Tours and Animations: Creating immersive 3D animations or virtual walkthroughs of a space, allowing clients to explore a property virtually.
  3. Floor Plan Visualizations: Converting traditional 2D floor plans into more comprehensible and visually appealing 3D floor plans.
  4. Photorealistic Rendering: Creating highly realistic images that are often indistinguishable from photographs. These are particularly useful for marketing and presentations.
  5. Site Plan Renderings: Visualizing how a building relates to its surrounding context, including landscaping, neighboring buildings, roads, and other features.

Clients and Applications

  • Architects and Interior Designers: For presenting design concepts to clients, and stakeholders, or for planning approvals.
  • Real Estate Developers and Agents: For marketing properties, especially those under construction or in the planning stage.
  • Urban Planners and Public Bodies: For visualizing future development projects and aiding in public consultations and planning permissions.
  • Homeowners: For renovations or custom home designs.

Technologies and Skills

  • 3D Modeling Software: Such as Autodesk 3ds Max, SketchUp, Revit, or Rhino.
  • Rendering Software: Like V-Ray, Corona Renderer, or Lumion.
  • Graphic Design Software: For post-processing, such as Adobe Photoshop.
  • Technical Understanding: Knowledge of architecture, design principles, and construction techniques.
  • Artistic Skills: A good eye for composition, color, and detail to create visually appealing and accurate representations.

Benefits of Using an Architectural Rendering Company

  1. Enhanced Communication: It is easier for non-professionals to understand and visualize architectural concepts.
  2. Marketing Tool: High-quality visuals for promoting real estate or design projects.
  3. Design Evaluation: Allows for the review and refinement of designs before construction begins, potentially saving time and resources.
  4. Project Approvals: Useful for convincing investors, stakeholders, or regulatory bodies.

In summary, architectural rendering companies play a crucial role in bridging the gap between conceptual designs and their realization, providing a vital tool for visualization, communication, and marketing in the architecture and real estate industries.

Architectural visualization is a step forward in town planning. Modern society demands different requirements for the cities’ appearance. Particular value acquires original design decisions and the aesthetic component of the architectural object.

It is not enough just to build a common house, because people want to create a great and interesting object, perfectly suitable to a particular place. Such a result will help you to achieve the architectural visualization that allows creating a graphical display of the object.


3d Architectural visualization

Large buildings must have preliminary layouts. You can see the appreciable advantages of architectural visualization (in comparison with traditional models) with the rendering methods of creating photorealistic objects. It is essential when you turn on the architectural form of a holistic architectural ensemble.

building modeling new york
Visualization allows you to see the object from all sides so that it becomes possible to make changes to the project before implementing it. You can change both the overall concept and a few lines that will show the perfection of each form and will allow you to integrate it into the existing environment.

Architectural Visualization is perfectly suitable for the presentation of the project to investors or the competition of architectural committees.

Vrender 3D Rendering and animation services 2023





3d panorama

Creating 360 3D Panorama, 3d Animation and Virtual Tours.

3D panorama is a modern imaging tool that is one step ahead when compared with an actual photographic picture. One of its distinct feature is its spherical panorama ability which makes it possible to rotate an image from left to right or even bring a picture nearer and at the same time dispose it far ahead.

In addition to the above, 3D panorama has an observation angle of 360х180 degrees. This makes it possible to use the computer mouse to rotate an image as much as you want without turning your head around.

Other features of 3D panorama are audio or texts maintenance, fixed photographs and video clips, active hyperlinks, screen tips, etc. Constant development and improvement of programming tools for creating 3D panoramas makes them the most popular and powerful means presentation in advertising and other commercial purposes of real estate properties.

You can rotate 3D panorama with the help of a computer mouse (as a rule only pressing or hold down the left button) or using menu buttons if the interface provides it.

Why do we need interactive 360 degrees panoramas?

360 degrees panorama is the most realistic way of exploring buildings such as houses and flats, hotels and restaurants, cafés, concert and conference halls, galleries, museums, magazines, and also open air premises, such as architectural ensembles, landscape design’s compositions, sighting attractions and other places.

In contrast to video and standard photographs, 3D panorama is highly interactive. You can rotate images as you wanting with intermittent stops to examine details of different components, to get extra information, activate or deactivate the sound. The quality of 3D panorama is better than high-resolution video as it gives you an opportunity to approximate and examine the minutest details of an image.

Any site with information in 3d spherical panorama or virtual tour is perceived to be more advanced and inviting to visitors.

The most popular 3D panorama format is flash files whose extension “.swf”. It is very easy to put panoramas with such format on a website, blog or interactive presentation. “.swf” files can be opened separately with the help of a free program Adobe flash player or in your preferred web browser.

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Three dimensional Interior Rendering helps you to rebuild any interior (kitchen, sketching room, baby’s room, workplace, bar, restaurant and etc. ) You can set any items of the interior, choose the options of their combination, vary along with windows and doors’ place, apply different colors and designs, experiment with lightning for inner surface decoration through to the every millimeter detail.

Residential visualization
3d creation intends the usage of computer applications on the software market within sufficient amount. An image’s accuracy will satisfy any kind of client as long as we make use of modern computing algorithms that will let us to draw every detail and to catch just about all tones of colors and designs during the interior construction.

3d product visualization  visualization in the design
Rendering’s methods have made 3d see possible because you can see an space inside, not looking at the thing from the top. The see creates a participation effect. You are able to look from any part; catch even the unnoticed internal details. You can also look at the racks and the floor to determine their interior decoration. Therefore, 3d visualization gives you a chance to achieve perfection in style interior.


First, it should be noted that architectural visualization helps the best way to see how well the plan to make the room as the new facility will fit into the surrounding landscape and the architectural ensemble or as high-rise buildings will be located in the new district.

Architectural visualization of interiors and exteriors come to the assistance during the creation of beautiful colorful images and 3D visualizations of the demonstration and a variety of competitive works of architect presentations.

Real time 3D visualization

The photo-realistic image that allows you to see all the positive and negative characteristics of the building and highly informative – that’s what the term architectural visualization.

Architectural visualization is now is a full region in the architects, builders, and designers. Also, to create a good project, it should work on the whole team : 3D- visualizer , retouches , art director , animator , designer, and others.
Can be a lot of talk about the aesthetic side of the architectural rendering, but it is better to highlight some interesting elements in the work on the finished image.
Using in their work such wonderful programs as ArchiCAD, 3ds Max, AutoCAD, V-Ray, specialists take to the attention not only the technical aspects of the work , but artistic norms .
For example, the picture will not look professional if the render will not adhere to the rules of composition, light and shade and construction perspective.

real time rendering service

Very often, these items will play a key role in the entire long work on the project.

Modern computer capabilities and rendering techniques allow you to create fully photographic pictures without photography. The planned results can be raster or vector image, panorama or 3D-visualization. Currently, the most popular method of architectural visualization is remote programming.
Architectural visualization includes a significant number of different tasks. Informative and artistic value should be the main qualities of the designed object created.
Visualization is highly interactive, which means the possibility of modeling the reaction sites on human actions. It may be elevators, escalators, doors that open in response to the movement of a person. Also you have a real simulation of interactivity impossible in the real world.
Architectural visualization in general is not only a very convenient area, but also a new level of cultural arts. Visualization of each object is a complete art unit.

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Vrender Company

3d Architectural visualization makes the ability to view the future construction available.

This type of imaging called architectural visualization. It represents a separate line in the work of architects and designers 3D by that allowing the representatives of these professions work together successfully.

It is important to note the fact that architectural visualization now – it’s very precision demonstration of the future of the project as a means by the presence of the composition, setting light sources, detailed demonstration project minutiae.

What is 3D Visualization

There are several types of imaging.This is hand drawing and computer graphics, respectively. Special software allows you to make high-quality presentation of the project.

So, hand drawing – a method of imaging, which often means a computer process, but everything is almost entirely based on the works created by hand. This takes into account geometric principles.

Computer graphics are more specialized. Graphics are usually vector or raster is obtained after calculating rendered object specialized application.
In addition to this, these are highly interactive visualization, which means the possibility of modeling the reaction sites on human actions. It may be elevators, escalators, doors that open in response to the movement of a person. Also you have a real simulation of interactivity impossible in the real world. Practical value is the opportunity to assess the need for the presence of architectural additions.

One of the most comprehensive architectural rendering industries has interior design.

This function allows you to change the interior plan, whether the color of walls, wallpaper, kitchen or living room. 3d Architectural visualization of the interior will help to move the furniture in the apartment, because it gives the opportunity to evaluate the new version from afar.

Outsourcing experts agree that having someone else do the areas which aren’t your expertise lets you do more and you are able to leverage lower labor costs and improve your profit.  Outperform has numerous characteristics that makes it exceptionally of service utility.  These models are made using some software like Auto – CAD MEIP, Caelum III, Microstation, and VectorWorks etc.

3D Architectural Visualization and Renderings

3D Architectural Visualization is basically the process mentally enacting the places as well as scenarios.  You could customize a regular 3d city model scene to appear futuristic or outsource it.3D modeling could be the process of creating a mathematical, wire frame representation of the three-dimensional object (either inanimate or living) using specialized software.  This strategy is old widely in 3D brio software similar to 3DS Max.  Today there are many CAD software applications available within the market, using many different file formats.  It is better to use Linux because the platform helps to concentrate on productivity rather than on computer maintenance.  Architectural 3D rendering is the main technique used for visualization.

You can select 3D architectural illustration and 3D walk through as well to the benefit of your customers.

But on account of heavy competition in architectural industry all companies are providing their best services at possible lowest cost.  However, certain laypeople find it very challenging to view the traditional floor plans.  Parametric 3D, three-dimensional modeling of buildings provides number of benefits over CAD computer-aided composing for structural engineers.  Architecture 3D modeling sequence provides ideal direction to adjudicator any assets.

three dimensional graphics

Overall, Illusion – Mage is often a decent program that gives an easy solution to make lovely animations.  Plan3D can be online CAD architectural software using which, you are able to remodel your kitchen area, landscape your yard, design your perfect home and furnish it.  An observation originates that 2d methods lack effectiveness along with reliability as quantity together with quality of design information is directly dependent upon visualization or human interpretation skills to relate such as a 2D design.  You can use this exercise to know how to sweep web with your PC or possibly a shrewd cell using a bluetooth affiliation associated with an android phone.  Some strong advice: plan in advance, save to your different version every half an hour, and never give up.

3D modeling software, to make objects yourself, then save them to your printer compatible format (Sketch – Up, Blender, 123D Design, Tinkercad, etc).

Jurors will end up more emotionally connected inside animation as motion, texture, and lighting are rendered in modern-day ways.  The other feature of 3D interior modeling is involving building interiors.  It is mostly utilized by companies in order to produce internal websites on which their employers can share different sorts of documents and communicate with the other openly.  The software provides a wide various workflow tools and technology.



Vrender Company was founded over 12 years ago and over these years managed to acquire loyal customers among architects and designers. It is a very important indicator for us. The customers are our most valuable asset, so we try to work as hard as possible so you always return to us. Our main goal is long-term cooperation.

Visualization of private houses  3D visualization of exterior

Taking your order, we guarantee:

·      Compliance with the drawings and technical specifications;

·      Compliance with the agreed terms;

·      Accuracy in revealing your ideas;

·      Quality.

We value every our client and understand that price plays an important role when choosing a 3D Vrender Company. That is why our pricing policy is democratic, and the cost of services is in the middle range. You may order visualization by sending a request or calling us.

Turn to us and we will help you fulfill your project into reality!

Provides Better Interpretation of a Completed Design

Qualified architects and contractors always warn that designs do not always proceed according to the initial plan. In other words, relying on a standard 2D/3D architectural designs and drawings, sketched or printed on a flat lifeless paper, can be a little risky.

Also, the feeling you have when you look at the sketch of your ideas by an architect can’t be compared to the visual pleasure of seeing your ideas come to life with 3D representation. With the help of the newest 3D rendering software, you will see your ideas and decide whether it actually suits you. With this new technology, you surely will be satisfied with your architect and yourself.

Attracting More Clients
Nowadays, many consumers desire to see the final look of their projects after the design process. By using 3D rendering software, architects and contractors can now display their designs easily and also making them more attractive to potential clients.

These 3D designs allow you to know the proficiency of your architect and also assist architectural companies by attracting more businesses. Once again, it is a win-win case for everyone involved.

Architects know how important it is to be precise, as an entire design plan can be ruined if measurements are off by even a couple of inches. 3D rendering software is incredibly accurate. It allows architects to work on the most sophisticated details of the customers’ interior design.

Some of the newest software packages allow the creation of landscaping plans or furniture arrangements which will be useful in calculating the amount of space that is required for all of the materials to be used. Best of all, most 3D rendering software programs come with cross-section views that allow observing anything from any angle.

An architectural rendering software comes with a number of advantages that must not be overlooked. It is highly accurate, easy to use and saves a tremendous amount of time. Whether you are an architect, contractor, interior designer, or even a do-it-yourself homeowner or gardener, 3D rendering software is an excellent tool for transferring your wildest and lavish architectural designs into realities.

Architectural visualization has become ingrained in our everyday living. Modern architectural projects are complicated and fancy. However, their qualitative up-to-date realization is responsible for its profit and many people’s lives.

3d rendering service

It’s efficient to visualize both a little project of a house and a scale project (especially a cottage communities’ plot plan, multilevel junction, new city districts) that will significantly develop the quality of the final result. 3d visualization intends for virtual graphic pictures’ creation using modern software programs. The image accurately resembles both a chart and an actual conceptual design because the programs can create all object details with maximum accuracy.


Architectural visualization will help you to:

•    take details of your project into account,
•    look at the object from each side,
•    detect strengths and weaknesses of a project,
•    correct the project through 3d pre-visualization (ready-made projects’ correction)

At present, no one profitable project can be managed without preliminary 3d visualization. However, there is still an accessible service for anyone who wishes to use 3d architectural visualization.




Rendering (3D visualization) is the process of generation an image from a model. Basically, visualization represents the one of the most important parts in 3D graphics. The program that provides rendering is called render.

In the rendering structure we use the algorithms to get a qualitative image. In general, rendering can change vector structure into flat pixels. As the result, a 3D image can be displayed visually as a two dimensional image on the monitor.

rendering miami
The one of the most outstanding renders is 3ds Max. 3ds Max is universal software because it is used for 3D modeling, basically. Also, the program is great for computer games design.
You can be sure that 3D visualization is good for interior design. As a rule, it helps you to see the real picture of the future interior. Interior visualization lets you to view each element of a house a flat furniture. 3D visualization creates the presence effect. Moreover, renders have succeeded in 3D models adaptation and that’s why its creations are considered to be masterpiece.
Preview visualization is a famous and helpful option, too. It is mainly used when a customer hesitates and not sure about some elements of the future house. For example, it can be a color of wall or wallpaper, or some materials’ selection.

3d renderings architectural design
Final 3D visualization is the last variant of interior based on all amended corrections on the stage of preview visualization.
According to the project’s goal we have rendering in a real time mode (used in creating videos) and per-rendering which is more convenient for computer games’ creation. Pr-rendering uses 3D accelerators. The last ones help you to increase the old computer’s graphics quality.

Also, you can contact us for more information about this service using our Contacts Page





Vrender Portfolio

Projects Categories

Interior Rendering Portfolio

Exterior Rendering Portfolio

Residential Rendering

• Multi Unit Housing
• Apartment Visualization
• Private House
• Residential Interiors
• Unbuilt Residential

Commercial Rendering

• Office Building
• Office Interiors
• Retail Rendering
• Shopping Center
• Factory Warehouse
• Pop-ups & Temporary
• Unbuilt Commercial

Hospitality Rendering

Hotels & Restaurants Visualization

• Hotels & Resorts
• Restaurants
• Bars & Nightclubs
• Health Care & Wellness
• Unbuilt Hospitality

Sports & Recreation Rendering

• Stadium / Arena
• Recreation Centers
• Unbuilt Sports & Recreation


• Museum Rendering
• Gallery Rendering
• Hall / Theater
• Pavilions
• Religious Buildings & Memorials
• Unbuilt Cultural


• Kindergartens
• Primary & High Schools
• Higher Education & Research Facilities
• Libraries Rendering
• Government & Municipal Buildings and Police & Fire Stations
• Unbuilt Institutional

Landscape & Planning

• Public Park
• Private Garden
• Unbuilt Masterplan
• Site Plan

Transportation Rendering

• Airports
• Bus & Train Stations
• Parking Structures
• Highways & Bridges
• Marinas & Ports
• Unbuilt Transportation

Rendering projects

Vrender Architectural 3D rendering Services
